ABSOLUTELY. Here's what's included:
- Self Gait Analysis w/ The Corrective Library (see below)
- 8-Week Running Efficiency Programme
- Guaranteed Core Stability Programme
- The Foundation Library: Core and Body Weight Exercise Library (w/ Workouts)
- The Resistance Training Library: Gym-Specific Programming
- The Plyometric Library: Intensive and Extensive Plyo Library
- Priming and Warm-Up
- Community Support via bioSPORT Strava Club
- + more
Built around 3 Classifications of Runner:

'I Love Running'
I want to figure out how to run better. Running just makes me feel good. And I want to keep running for life - as I know I should be able to. I'm excited to work through the process of figuring out how to optimise my technique to minimise any risk of niggly injuries.
I'm not that interested in going to the gym, but I'll do some exercises at home (basic core and body weight exercises) but who knows, I may end up going down that path some time.

'Pace Chaser'
I may be a little obsessed with running, I love racing every now and then, and I want to see just how good I can be.
I go to the gym, but I'm not sure how to best implement strength training. I can't afford to get injured, so I want the best guidance on how to implement this.

'Competitive Runner'
The CR is NOT necessarily an elite runner. The CR can still be an PC'er but is being coached and races to the best of their capability.
I need to get my technique dialled in. Where can I make these gains?
There is so much information out there on how to run, and to build strength for racing, but I want to know that I'm accessing the best and most accurate content and advice.

About Greg Pain
Sports Biomechanist
With over 20 years clinical experience, Greg has a life-long passion of extracting the absolute best out of all his athletes, from absolute beginners to the Olympians and elite athletes.
To read more, go here:
You don't need to be a Biomechanist to assess you running technique.
That's why you have me.
With simple access to a modern phone or tablet, I take you through, step-by-step the EXACT process I use with my athletes.
I provide you with PDF downloads to document your findings, which THEN guide YOU down the Corrective Library path for YOUR specific exercise prescription.
Check out a basic example here:
Choose between a monthly subscription or a 1-off yearly payment:

Simon H. 42
I was getting so bloody frustrated with always falling short of my 1/2 marathon goal time, because I knew I was fit, but the wheels kept falling off.
I thought I had a good core, but Greg soon showed me it was crap. We invested a few sessions into making sure I was holding good form through some amazing (but bloody hard) exercises and then it happened: I went 8 minutes under my goal time in my last half!
On to the next one for sure. Thanks Greg
Lorna G. 51
I work really long hours, and I need to run to keep me sane. I don't have any desire to race, but I LOVE running with my friends in the Waitaks every weekend.
I check in with Greg every 6 months where he updates my gym programme and touch wood, I haven't had any real injuries since.
I really can't thank you enough, and neither can my family!
Sam P. 23
I have moved to triathlon from swimming, and I have really found running hard, especially off the bike.
Greg really showed me that by working hard on not just my technique, but also building core and gym strength I could be so much more 'tight' in the way I run, and my coach is really happy with this.
Thanks heaps Greg. I look forward to seeing you again soon for a recheck.
Just in case you needed a reminder. Enter HERE:

Broad brush strokes DON'T work.
We shouldn't compare ourselves to others. You're not Kipchoge or Hodgkinson, so let's not try to be.
The Efficient Runner gives you the SPECIFIC tools for you to assess, correct and strengthen YOUR running platform.
By accessing the 4 key libraries, you can over time build an INCREDIBLY STRONG, RESILIENT and INDIVIDUALLY EMPOWERED running structure.
Let's break it down into some guidelines:
How the 3 Groups Could/Should Use TER:

'I Love Running'
- Breakdown of Running Fundamentals
- Core Stability 101
- 8-Week TER Programme (incl. Self-Gait Analysis)
- The Foundation Library* for Core and Body-Weight Strength Training
- The Plyometric Library* for Knee, Calf and Achilles Strengthening

'Pace Chaser'
- Same as the ILR group. PLUS:
- Dipping your toes into The Resistance Training Library*
- Appropriate Periodisation advice
- Consideration of a Foot Traffic Coaching Plan to take the guess work out of your training.

'Competitive Runner'
- If you're happy with your Running Technique, then you MAY not need to go through the 8 Week TER Programme, BUT The Corrective Library is very POWERFUL to keep working on your specifics. AND:
- The Resistance The Plyometric Libraries are your SECRET SAUCE. The evidence is STRONG around their efficacy.
- Periodisation Programming for all Libraries
*It should be noted these Libraries will be updated with more exercise prescription as evidence evolves and more get recorded.
Let's just 'cut to the chase' shall we?